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Uni High Students Join National Walkout Advocating Gun Reform

Uni High Students Join National Walkout Advocating Gun Reform

Dozens of University Laboratory High School students held a walkout to advocate for gun reform Friday morning. The students walked in solidarity with other nationwide protests on the nineteenth anniversary of the Columbine school shooting. Student walkout organizer Salma El-Naggar says the walkout is not about banning guns, she says it is just about advocating for gun control.

They’re endangering students, student lives at schools, and we as students shouldn’t fear that. We’re going to school to learn, not to be scared of getting killed or being injured.
Salma El-Naggar
Student Walkout Organizer, University Laboratory High School

A.J. Herzog is the parent of a ‘Uni High School’ sophomore. She says she was at the event to support her teen and other students in their walkout against gun violence.

It’s growing awareness about how important this is, that we work for gun reform that is smart and safe.
A.J. Herzog
Parent of 'Uni High School' Sophmore

Many students across the country have been calling for gun control since the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida two months ago.

The Uni High students spent the day at the Independent Media Center in Urbana with other local high school students talking and learning more about gun control. At 3 p.m., they walked back to their campus.

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