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CMMS Data Group Welcomes Bill Mountjoy as VP of Reliability Engineering

CMMS Data Group Welcomes Bill Mountjoy as VP of Reliability Engineering

CMMS Data Group (CDG) is proud to announce that Bill Mountjoy, CMRP, has joined its team as vice president of reliability engineering.

Bill has over 25 years of experience. He will lead CDG’s Reliability Engineering Division and provide strategic guidance to align CDG’s new reliability engineering services with its existing services and software solutions. Most importantly, he will remain steadfast and laser-focused on the division’s mission: To help customers achieve Maintenance & Reliability Excellence.

In the past, Bill supported over 150 global manufacturing operations and implemented Maintenance & Reliability Excellence best practice methodologies for several Fortune 500 manufacturing companies including:

His tactical plant and strategic corporate-level work experience consistently provide organizations a practical perspective on delivering real results, bringing more value to businesses and their customers.

Bill looks forward to helping companies achieve Maintenance & Reliability Excellence. He says that achieving this means creating a gateway between a company’s current CMMS software package and best reliability concepts / practices to produce real results. This ensures that businesses maintain a healthy return on their CMMS software investment, such as MVP Plant, CMMS Data Group’s award-winning CMMS software.

Many companies offer CMMS software while others offer reliability engineering consulting services. As a result, businesses struggle with fully integrating the two while implementing the necessary cultural changes required to achieve success. The real value is in helping customers effectively utilize their software to apply reliability best practices to achieve business objectives, turning maintenance into a profit center. Turning maintenance into a profit center is the new dimension that will set CDG and its flagship CMMS software apart in the marketplace.
Bill Mountjoy​
Vice President of Reliability
Maintenance and reliability improvements start with CMMS data. With MVP Plant, we’ve enabled customers to collect precise CMMS data via its user-friendly interface, OData APIs, automated workflows, and mobile CMMS (automatic work, parts, and time tracking). However, before Bill, we didn’t have the expertise to leverage this data. With Bill on board, customers can now achieve their desired level of Maintenance & Reliability Excellence. If customers use a different CMMS or don’t have one, they can still benefit from our new offerings. The bottom line is that we can help any organization take their maintenance and reliability program to the next level!
Ruth Hughes
CMMS Data Group founder and CEO

Bill began working with CDG in 2002 while working at Kroger as the manager of engineering and maintenance excellence. In 2014, he successfully implemented MVP Plant CMMS software at over 40 manufacturing facilities while working as the director of engineering & asset optimization at Kerry Ingredients & Flavours. Today, CDG could not be more pleased or proud to have him on its team.

Click here to connect with Bill on LinkedIn or Contact Us today for more information!

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