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Software Dies Hard

Software Dies Hard

Even though new software is usually more productive and efficient for businesses, it is often hard for companies to make a change. Software Dies Hard’ because companies fear the potential short-term consequences of adopting new systems while overlooking the long-term benefits they will gain when switching. 

A big hurdle many companies face when migrating to new software is getting everyone on board with the new direction. Employees may clash with new processes, systems, and ideas introduced by their employers. They may fear disruption of their company’s established workflow and culture. They may view the software change as unnecessary, undermining their job performance. And they may fear unintended side effects such as job insecurity or additional overtime.

Many businesses also cite switching costs, or the money, time, and effort companies face because of changing products or vendors when refusing to drop legacy software. Some may not want to spend more money or train employees when they have already invested in an existing system. Some may find it too hard to identify new programs or too time-consuming to implement them once they have been found, potentially cutting into short-term productivity.

CMMS Data Group has seen software die hard first-hand, as the company supports thousands of end-users that still use old CMMS programs. Jonathan Clark, Chief Operating Officer, said the number of people he has met over his career who still use outdated software blows his mind.

It’s hard for me to comprehend why companies continue to use software that doesn’t work. Companies seldom realize the amount of lost productivity that comes with using obsolete software. The productivity gains of new software typically pays for the cost of the initial software investment within the 1st several months. Additionally, many companies struggle with reporting when it comes to obsolete software. Newer software packages have better reporting engines that make reporting a breeze. I wish software didn’t die so hard so that it was easier for companies to switch and become more efficient and productive.
Jonathan Clark​
Chief Operating Officer, CMMS Data Group

So, what happens when you overcome any organizational resistance to change? Steve Marsh, a maintenance manager at Quikrete, says his company made huge long-term improvements in its maintenance department after shelving an old program in favor of a new CMMS.

Since implementing MVP Plant, our Quikrete site has reduced its unplanned downtime dramatically. As a direct result, we have been able to increase production. Additionally, PM scheduling has allowed us, in some cases, to better identify future breakdowns and failures before they occur.
Steve Marsh
Maintenance Manager, Quikrete

New software makes it easier to manage data and make informed decisions. New software offers more robust features that will improve your processes. And, new software saves time and money in the long run. We have seen many companies get by with obsolete programs, but why struggle when a more modern solution is available? It pays dividends to adopt a growth mindset. 

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